Es war ein gute Zeit hier in Wien, die 'Schwestern haben uns die Erbestätten in Wien wirklich sehr nahe gebracht, Vater Job wurde fast wieder "lebendig". bitte schaut euch auf der Adresse die Fotos an.
Ich bin nicht an meinem eigenen Laptop und kann heute keine Fotos hochladen.
Eine gute Zeit allen.
Euere Karolina
tomorrow it's back home
barely four months have passed already, I'm back again! No, seriously - in the morning our bus goes to Munich. It's a good feeling to come back to Bavaria. Whatever awaits me there - yet!
It was a good time here in Vienna, the 'sisters have brought us the heritage sites in Vienna really very close, almost father job was again "alive". you please look at the address on the photos.
I'm not on my own laptop and now can not upload photos.
barely four months have passed already, I'm back again! No, seriously - in the morning our bus goes to Munich. It's a good feeling to come back to Bavaria. Whatever awaits me there - yet!
It was a good time here in Vienna, the 'sisters have brought us the heritage sites in Vienna really very close, almost father job was again "alive". you please look at the address on the photos.
I'm not on my own laptop and now can not upload photos.
A good time all.
your Carolina
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