Heute war er also, der große Tag, die Installation der neuen Provinz. Für mich war es eine große Ehre bei diesem Ereignis dabei sein zu dürfen.
"Internationale Tischmusik" |
- ein kleiner Salatteller mit frischen Himbeeren (köstlich)
- Grüner Spargel, Pasta, Rinderbraten, Kartoffelbrei
- ein Muffin, etwas ausgehöhlt und mit Himbeeren gefüllt.
Es war eine nette Runde am Tisch und so verging die Zeit sehr schnell.
Um 14:00 Uhr begann der Gottesdienst, ich stelle das Videolink mit auf den Blog, so kann jeder selber schauen und hören.
Aber ich möchte trotzdem zwei Dinge herausgreifen die mich in dem Gottesdienst sehr berührt haben.
Der 1. Punkt:
- Die noch amtierenden Provinzoberinnen brachten "Ihre Provinz" im Symbol einer Kerze.
- Danach wurden sie von der Generaloberin aufgefordert die amtlichen Papiere zur Schließung der Provinzen zu unterschreiben.
- und dann das war der besondere Moment: jede Provinzoberin hat an ihrer Kerze einen neuen Docht entzündet und dann ihre Kerze gelöscht.
- mit dem neuen, gemeinsamen Licht dann die große Kerze (aus München - dank Sr. Edeltraud, ist die neue Kerze sehr schön) entzündet.
Es war wirklich sehr berührend - die ausgelöschten Kerzen dann zu sehen.
Der 2. Punkt: die ganzen Schwestern im Raum haben den neuen Provinzrat um die gegenseitige
Verpflichtung angefragt.
mutual commitment
(S) Sisters, du you accept the call to loving service through the ministry of leadership in this new province of the School Sisters of Notre Dame?
(S)Will you strive, through prayer and dialog, to promote unity within the province, calling forth leadership potential, and encouraging each Sister to recognize and use her gifts?
(S) By your words an example, will you call us to creative fidelity to Christ, and to living our Constitution YOU ARE SENT?
(C) With God`s grace and your support and participation, we will.
Das ging mir dann ganz schön unter die Haut und dann die Antwort:
(C) Sisters, together we are called to witness to unity. We have been called to this new moment in our history in forming the Central Pacific province. Are you open to deepening our relationships, joining together in mission, and being a witness to our world in need?
(S) We are!
(C) sisters, our government is basend on two interrelated principles: the vital participation of all members and the exercise of authority. Are you willig to participate with us in the governance of the province for the life and mission of the congregation?
(S) We will!
(C) Sisters, in our Call to Solidarity with all Creation, we embrace the call of God. Are you ready, personally and communally, to risk all we are and all we have for the sake of the mission of Jesus Christ?
(S) We are ready!
Ich tu mir schwer heute diesen Teil zu beenden,es waren so viele interessante Eindrücke von dem Tag, aber ich möchte es heute nochmals betonen, was ich hier mache ist: - einfach meine Eindrücke auszudrücken, nicht mehr!
Und so gelang mir am Abend auch noch dieses nette Foto.
S . Mary Ann Owen und S. Jacky (sie war mir heute den ganzen Tag eine große Hilfe - herzlichen Dank dafür) |
Und morgen früh geht´s mit dem Bus der ehemaligen Mankatoprovinz zurück nach Mankato. Und der letzte Zeitabschnitt meines USA- aufenthaltes beginnt.
Vielen, vielen herzlichen Dank an S. Eileen Ennis die es mir ermöglicht hat, diese zwei Wochen in Milwaukee zu erleben, genießen und erfahren. Danke auch an S. Kathryn Ann Kobelinski, die mit in diesem netten Konvent lebt.
Euch alle eine gute Woche und weiterhin viel Hl. Geist.
Euere Karolina
Today he was, the big day, the installation of the new province. For me it was a great honor for this event must be there too.
The beginning was a festive lunch, there were about 230 people in the dining room.
- A small salad plate with fresh raspberries (delicious)
- Green asparagus, pasta, roast beef, mashed potatoes
- A muffin, a little hollowed out and filled with raspberries.
It was a nice round at the table and so the time passed quickly.
At 14:00 clock the service began, I set the video link on the blog so everyone can hear themselves and look.
But I still want to single out two things that have touched me in the service very much.
The 1 Point:- Brought the still reigning Provincial Superiors "your province" in the symbol of a candle.
- Then they were asked by the Superior General of the official papers to close the provinces to sign.
- And then that was the special moment: each province has matron at her candle ignited a new wick and then deleted her candle.
- With the new, common light then the large candle (from Munich - thanks to Sr. Edeltraud, is the new beautiful candle) lit.
It was really touching - to see the extinguished candles then.
The 2nd Point: all the sisters in the room have the new provincial council for the mutual Commitment requested.
mutual commitment
(S) Sisters, du you accept the call to loving service through the ministry of leadership in this new province of the School Sisters of Notre Dame?
(S)Will you strive, through prayer and dialog, to promote unity within the province, calling forth leadership potential, and encouraging each Sister to recognize and use her gifts?
(S) By your words an example, will you call us to creative fidelity to Christ, and to living our Constitution YOU ARE SENT?
(C) With God`s grace and your support and participation, we will.
Which I went pretty under the skin and then the answer:
(C) Sisters, together we are called to witness to unity. We have been called to this new moment in our history in forming the Central Pacific province. Are you open to deepening our relationships, joining together in mission, and being a witness to our world in need?
(S) We are!
(C) sisters, our government is basend on two interrelated principles: the vital participation of all members and the exercise of authority. Are you willig to participate with us in the governance of the province for the life and mission of the congregation?
(S) We will!
(C) Sisters, in our Call to Solidarity with all Creation, we embrace the call of God. Are you ready, personally and communally, to risk all we are and all we have for the sake of the mission of Jesus Christ?
(S) We are ready!
I do me hard today to end this part, there were so many impressions of the day, but I would like to reiterate today what I'm doing here is: - simply to express my impressions, no more!
And so I managed in the evening also this nice photo.
And tomorrow morning we return by bus to the former Mankatoprovinz to Mankato. And the last period of my stay in the USA starts.
Many, many thanks to Eileen S. Ennis has allowed me to experience this two weeks ago in Milwaukee, enjoy and learn. Thanks also to S. Kathryn Ann Kobelinski living with this nice convention.
You all a good week and continue to have the Holy Spirit.
Your Carolina
And tomorrow morning we return by bus to the former Mankatoprovinz to Mankato. And the last period of my stay in the USA starts.
Many, many thanks to Eileen S. Ennis has allowed me to experience this two weeks ago in Milwaukee, enjoy and learn. Thanks also to S. Kathryn Ann Kobelinski living with this nice convention.
You all a good week and continue to have the Holy Spirit.
Your Carolina
Wie eindrucksvoll! Danke für's Teilen. Und ich hab sie entdeckt - unsere Schwester Karolina im Video. Juhu!