S. Linda |
Wir waren eingeladen das Mount Mary College zu besuchen und Sr. Linda führte uns durch das große College. Aber nicht die normale Tour, bei weitem nicht! Wir waren "under-backstage", d.h. wir sahen jede Baustelle und hörten die Begeisterung der Schwester für IHR College. Es war so faszinierend! Sie unterrichtet Geschichte, aber ich denke, der Unterricht bei ihr ist keine Minute langweilig. http://www.mtmary.edu
Bitte schaut euch die Website vom College genauer an. Ich geb euch nur einen kurzen geschichtlichen Abriss.
Schaut die restlichen Daten auf der Website an, es war eine starke Herausforderung für mein Englisch, ich möchte lieber keinen Test über das alles machen. Sr. Gabriele war für ein Semester Studentin an diesem College - Hut ab - ich bin glücklich über meinem Zeit in meinem "Mankato Learning Center".
Aber eine Sache möchte ich dann doch noch herausholen: die haben eine "Fashion Faculty", das ist wirklich super. Alles über Modedesign, Nähen , Stricken, entwickeln von Schnitten und alles rund um Mode. Ich konnte mir keinen Ort vorstellen, der all dies so perfekt zusammenbringt. Das wäre ganz mein Studiengang, falls ich wieder umsatteln würde.
Ein wirklich guter Platz zum Studieren.
Liebe Grüße an LeserInnen
Euere Karolina
Yesterday I was a bit tired and too full of the impressions of the day, I can write until today.We were invited to visit the Mount Mary College and Sr. Linda led us through the big college. But not the normal tour, not nearly! We were "under backstage," i.e. we saw each site and heard the enthusiasm of the sister for her college. It was so fascinating! She teaches history, but I think the lessons with her is not a minute boring. http://www.mtmary.eduPlease check out the website of the College more closely. I'll give only a brief history.Please look at the rest of the data on the site, there was a strong challenge for my English, I'd rather not do anything about the test. Sr. Gabriele. was a semester student at the College - hats off - I'm happy about my time in my "Mankato Learning Center.But one thing I would then still get out: they have a "fashion faculty", which is really great. All about fashion design, sewing, knitting, develop cuts and everything related to fashion. I could not imagine a place that brings together all this so perfectly. That would be my course if I were to transition again.A really good place to study.Greetings to readersYour Carolina
Mary’s roots are deep in the heritage of Wisconsin. Since its founding in 1913
the college has provided an inviting atmosphere that strongly supports teaching
and learning.
Birth of a
College: 1846 to 1929
1846 Milwaukee
is chartered as a city.
Wisconsin becomes a state.
1850 Mother
Caroline Friess, School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND), founds St. Mary’s
Institute “for the education of young women of the community” on Jefferson St.
in Milwaukee.
1872 St.
Mary’s Institute opens in Prairie du Chien with the same course of studies as
the Milwaukee Institute.
1910 St.
Mary’s Alumnae Association, nucleus of the present association, is organized.
1913 The
first college curriculum goes into effect at St. Mary’s Institute, Prairie du
Chien, this year. On October 28, St. Mary’s Institute becomes St. Mary’s
College, chartered by the state of Wisconsin to grant degrees. It is the first
four-year college for women in Wisconsin. Two young women make up the first
graduating class of St. Mary’s College.
1926 St.
Mary’s College, Prairie du Chien, is recognized by the North Central
Association of Colleges as an approved college.
Messmer of Milwaukee requests that St. Mary’s College move to Milwaukee in
order to make Catholic education available to a wider group of students and
also to provide for its students the advantages of a metropolitan center.
1928 On
September 12, the cornerstone of the new school, renamed Mount Mary College, is
1929 On
September 16, Mount Mary officially opens its doors to 132 young women. The
college consists of two buildings of Gothic style: Notre Dame Hall, with its
distinctive tower, for classroom and administration, and Caroline Hall, the
student residence.
One month
and eight days later, the stock market crashes and the Great Depression begins.
and Growth: 1953 to 1982
1953 Ground
is broken on May 19 for Fidelis Hall, a residence for the Sisters, and Kostka
Hall, housing the auditorium. The cornerstone is laid on October 1.
1964 On
December 19, Bergstrom Hall, location of the college dining rooms, bookstore,
and post office, opens.
1981 On
October 9, the Patrick and Beatrice Haggerty Library is dedicated.
1982 In
September, Mount Mary begins its first graduate program—dietetics. In the
following years, more are added: education, art therapy, occupational therapy,
counseling, English and MBA.
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